Product FAQ's

What are the benefits of using Diggn’It Arabian Beard Oil and Beard Balm?

Diggn’It products are a mixture of all-natural oils inspired by our Arabian ancestors. The mixture contains no additional preservatives or chemicals materials and is known for its benefits in fostering healthy hair growth and thickness.Diggn’It Arabian Beard Oils and Beard Balms nourish and moisturize the skin and hair and also have hold and style properties. Our products help hair grow thicker, prevent breakage, reduce embrittlement associated with dryness, and gives you a clean, elegant, and fresh look.

How effective are Diggn'It products for facial hair patches?

Diggn'It products nourish hair that naturally grows on a man's face. They are not meant to be used as a growth serum and will not induce magical hair growth.The most common solution to patches is to cover them up by growing a full beard. The longer the hair around the patch, the less prominent the patch. 

What is the difference between Diggn'It Arabian Beard Oil and Beard Balm? Which one is better?

Diggn’it Arabian Beard oils and balms are made up of similar mixtures of beneficial oils, except that the balms also contain beeswax and shea butter giving them a smooth, creamy texture. The balms help reduce excessive dryness and itchiness by acting as a moisture sealant that locks in hydration keeping skin supple and hair soft.Both balms and oils help shape beards and tame unruly hair, although the balms provide a bit more hold than the oils. 

How do I use Diggn'It Arabian Beard Oils and Beard Balms?

Diggn’ it beard products are recommended to be used on a daily basis and at least once a day after a shower while the skin’s pores are open and product can be absorbed.You can also enjoy the product without washing but this can achieve suboptimal results.Step 1 - Apply 3-5* drops of oil/balm and rub on beard and face.Step 2 - Distribute evenly using your hands.* Beard length determines quantity of product, suggested use is for short/medium beards.It is advisable to limit your application of the oils/balms to three times a day to avoid clogged pores.

How long before I see real results?

Results vary. Some men have naturally thick hair and achieve faster results while other men may require a little bit of time and added care.Changes are usually noticed between 2 and 4 weeks. 

How do I wash my beard?

To wash your beard, use a gentle face wash every 2 -3 days to allow your beard to remain in a natural oil bath. A beard wash can also be used. 

What are the main ingredients in Diggn'It Arabian Beard Oils and Beard Balms?

Diggn'It Arabian Beard Oils and Beard Balms employ 100% all-natural ingredients that are known for fostering healthy hair growth and volume.These include:Black Seed OilWild Hemp OilSweet Almond OilCactus OilCastor OilArgan OilGrape Seed OilVitamin EBeeswax*Shea Butter**Only in Diggn’ it Arabian Beard Balms

Why use Diggn’ it Arabian Beard Oils and Beard Balms, Why not just use Shampoo?

Shampoo is designed for scalps and scalp hair making it too harsh for the skin on the face.Diggn’It Arabian Beard Oils and Beard Balms nourish and moisturize skin and hair, help hair grow thicker, prevent breakage, and reduce embrittlement associated with dryness.Shampoos dry out your pores which makes hair grow strangely and your face itchy and dry.